Oral presentation guideline

Instructions for Oral Presenters
1. Each registration allows for only one presentation.
2. The official language is English.
3. Presentation time (including Q&A)
Plenary speaker : 45 mins
Keynote speaker : 30 mins
Oral speaker : 15 mins
4. A laptop will be provided in each session room for presentations.
5. You can bring your laptop computer to project your presentation. For international speakers,
ensure you have the necessary cords/converters so your laptop will work with the LCD/DLP
projector. HDMI connections will be used. We strongly encourage you to have a backup of your
presentation on a USB storage device in the event your laptop has a technical problem or is
incompatible with the LCD/DLP projector.
6. We ask that all presentations be ready at the beginning of the technical session.
7. There is no designated template for your presentation file.
8. Audio, Photo, Video, and Mobile Phone Policy: Please note that audio, photo, and video recording
by various devices (including cameras, laptops, PDAs, mobile phones, watches, and tablet PCs)
are strictly prohibited during all oral sessions unless prior permission is obtained from the
congress organizer. Mobile phones must also be switched off or silent while attending sessions.