ASian fluid mechanics committee (AFMC)
The AFMC was so co-founded in India by Prof. H. Sato (Japan), Prof. R. Narasimha (India) and Prof. Peiyuan Chou (China) in 1980. And the objective of establishing AFMC was to advance research in fluid mechanics in Asia through interaction and exchange of information between workers in the field of fluid mechanics.
It hasbeen adopted as a member of the international Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM) soon after its founding and is the advisory board to the Asian Congress of Fluid Mechanics (ACFM). The scope and range of research activity have been growing during the past years. Its countries and regions members include China, India, Japan, Indonesia, Singapre, Australia, USA, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Korea, Malaysia, Thailand, Iran, Hong Kong, Vietnam Sri Lanka etc.
Song Fu (China)
Masaru Kiya (Japan)
Jia-Chun Li ( China)
G.S. Bhat (India)
Executive Committee Members
Song Fu (China)
Hitoshi Ishikawa (Japan)
Sanjay Mittal (India)
Qingquan Liu (China)
Heuy Dong Kim (Korea)
Mohammad Ali (Bnagladesh)
Ayurzana Badarch (Mongolia)
A.A. Bidokhti (Iran)
Yong Tian Chew (Singapore)
Smith Eiamsa-ard (Thailand)
Duong Ngoc Hai (Vietnam)
Wei-xi Huang (China)
Fazle Hussain (USA)
A.K.M. Sadrul Islam (Bangladesh)
Seiichiro Izawa (Japan)
J. Ahmad Khan (Pakistan)
Victor V. Kozlov (Russia)
Esmail Lakzian (Iran)
Sekhar Majumdar (India)
Kannan M.Munisamy (Malaysia)
Sri Redjeki Pudjaprasetya (Indonesia)
Chang Shu (Singapore)
Wei Shyy (Hong Kong, China)
Simon Song (Korea)
Yoshiyuki Tagawa (Japan)
Yuji Tasaka (Japan)
C.P. Tso (Malaysia)
Jin-Jun Wang (China)
S. B. Weerakoon (Sri Lanka)
Kun Xu (Hong Kong, China)
Wei-Xi Huang (China)